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Men & Women of the West | Photo Series | 2021 | Anna

Photo Series | Women & Men of the West | Anna


Having grown up with an innate love of horses in a small, mountain town in western North Carolina, it was no surprise to my parents when they received the phone call where I said “I’m quitting my day job and I’m moving to Wyoming to work on a ranch”.

Horses have played a pivotal role throughout my entire life. From teaching me lessons of responsibility and confidence to humility and the meaning of patience, horses have helped shape me into the woman I am today. I consider myself lucky to live in a place that embraces cowboy culture, celebrates the western way of life, and allows me to pursue my equine dreams each and every day.


Named after my favorite river, is a three year old quarter horse and is the realization of one of my lifelong goals - starting a horse of my own from the ground up. The bond that Tellico and I have formed in the short amount of time we’ve spent together is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. He is inquisitive, confident, and level-headed. Not to mention he comes to meet me at the gate every day, and it never fails to put a smile on my face. I can’t wait to see where the years and miles in the saddle take us.

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